"Be that as it may, my Father knows best, and I'm confident that He has placed me here; my task is to labor quietly until the pillar cloud removes and leads farther, working out God's purposes in God's time." -Jim Elliot


Human to the Fullest

A close encounter with adoptee, George Dennehy, last year at Summit 9 completely changed our lives forever.  We were attending the annual adoption conference in hope and anticipation that God would reveal His call upon our family in what direction to take with caring for orphans.  We had known for years He was calling us, but what that specifically looked like was still being made known to us slowly but surely.

An incredible moment of brokenness, clarity, and ultimately receiving His call on our lives to adopt a special needs child internationally was undeniable once we heard the testimony of this remarkable individual.  He gave a voice to the voiceless.  He spoke on behalf of millions of fatherless children who wait right now for a family of their own.  You will be changed too from his words.  This video is a snapshot into his life:

(For mobile devices, go to this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rztYMMhMT2Y)

"In Romania, at least at the time when I was born, when you were born with a "deformity", it umm...it was considered a curse from God.  I was kind of distanced, and not treated right, and kind of not getting any care that a normal baby should.  Which is why when I was one and a half years old, I weighed nine pounds.  It was rough my first year of life, but I lived.  No matter where you were before, it's like, where you can be now, your past does not define that.  This family has proven that, and it's just like, you have a dying boy in Romania, or starving kids from Africa, and you bring them to a place where they can be, I guess, human to the fullest.  And that is generous, a generous thing.  Family is everything." -George Dennehy

This is why we are called to adopt.  Jesus died to give us life, and to give it abundantly.  We are instruments of His grace.  May He use us to help children discover how to be human to the fullest...to truly live!

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