"Be that as it may, my Father knows best, and I'm confident that He has placed me here; my task is to labor quietly until the pillar cloud removes and leads farther, working out God's purposes in God's time." -Jim Elliot


Adoption and the Great Wall...One Step at a Time

Today our time was spent visiting the Great Wall. We drove north of the city to the location of the highest portion of the remaining wall. They constructed the wall along the ridge of the mountain for strategic advantage. We had heard a lot of people describe how hard the climb was, but we have to admit that we underestimated it. As we pulled into the parking lot, we realized that getting to the highest point would take some effort. So we decided to start climbing and see how far we could get. Starting out there were lots of people, and it was pretty crowded. It was interesting to see the different people. We saw multiple women climbing the wall in high heels. We climbed up to the first real break point, where there was a little store. There drenched in sweat, we grabbed a couple of cold drinks and discussed about whether we wanted to continue to climb. We decided to go for it. As we continued to advance, the crowd thinned out. After ninety minutes of perseverance, we reached the top!  It was a great feeling, and the view was incredible.

The Great Wall cannot be climbed by beholding every step that is ahead. The Great Wall is designed for one to only see one section of the wall at a time. If we were to see all the steps ahead of us to reach the top, most of us would turn around and not even attempt such a task. God used this aspect of climbing the Great Wall today to remind us of how much it parallels with the process of adoption. In so many ways, if we were to see all the steps ahead of us on this journey, our temptation most likely would be to turn and run. But God gives us the measure of grace required to see just the next step in front of us. Not the climb in its entirety, but just the next step. And He provides the strength and faith needed to climb even the most challenging parts of the journey. Today as we climbed, we were literally on our hands and knees at some points. And that is how it is going to be in this process of adopting Selah. There will be days when we are on our hands and knees crying out to God for answers, for direction, for the strength to fight for her heart. As we ask Him to prepare our hearts to meet her tomorrow, we are reminded of this song called "Love Alone is Worth the Fight" by Switchfoot. Selah's heart is worth the fight! No matter how hard the climb will be, we are all in.

During our trek, we processed together about what God has been doing in our lives, and what He will be doing in the days and weeks and months to come. Not everyone is called to climb the same mountain, and not everyone is to climb to the top. We are certainly not the most advanced physical or spiritual mountain climbers, and we didn't get to the top peak the fastest. But God does want us to push beyond what is easy and comfortable. We felt like today God was inviting us to push to be reminded that we are weak in and of ourselves, but through Him we are strong to climb any mountain He lays before us. We need that reminder, for in less than 24 hours we meet our daughter. Our hearts are so happy to be on the cusp of that moment, but we know there will be mountains to climb. Bringing her home will have challenges. So today God reminded us that He has equipped us to take each step in His grace. He also reminded us that we are in this together. We are to encourage each other, remind each other of the strength God has given us, and also watch over each other. We are also to remind each other that it is all worth it.

When we walked back into the parking lot, we both felt more prepared for the days ahead.  Tomorrow we meet our daughter. We don't know what the day will bring, but we know that God has prepared us for each step. Today I opened an encouragement card from a friend at our church which wrote, "May our Lord Jesus Christ encourage your steps today!" And that He surely did, all 2,500 of them going up, and all 2,500 of them coming down.  Our guide told us of a carving at the bottom of the climb where Chairman Mao states that no one is a hero unless they have climbed the Great Wall. Today we climbed the Great Wall, but that is not what makes us Selah's heroes. Jesus is Selah's hero, and He has called us and equipped us to live that out in her life. Such a joyous and incredible mountain to climb!

Here's a link to the song that is on our hearts tonight as we pray for the strength to love and fight for Selah's heart!  Please join us in prayer! Love Alone is Worth the Fight

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